Webinar | English language

Dynamic supply chain planning with SAP IBP.

September 8, 2020
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Dynamic supply chain planning can enable you to manage the planning process—both long term and short term. This can be facilitated by digital supply chain planning with a focus on various key performance indicators such as simulation analysis for key decision-making, optimal inventory, effectively managing consumer driven demands with improved speed, quality and service, to highlight just a few. This webinar explores various aspects of planning and how we, at Westernacher collaborate with business as one team to achieve the objective.
SAP and Westernacher Consulting invite you to join our webinar and embrace a dynamic supply chain. To help you strategize further, we will be discussing how we can leverage SAP IBP to glide from design to operate.

Key takeaways.

  • Dynamic supply chain planning explained  
  • Product option and its flexibility to achieve the business objective
  • Journey plan with Westernacher as one team


  • Introduction
  • Manage by exception to predictive analysis
  • Why embrace dynamic Supply Chain planning
  • How IBP fits into your business
  • High-level architecture
  • Design to Operate with SAP IBP
  • IBP at Westernacher
  • Our customer success stories
  • Q&A 

Keynote speakers.

With more than years of IT experience and a PMI Certified Project Management Professional, Venkata leads the Planning team at Westernacher Consulting.
Practice Director – Planning Digital Supply Chain
Westernacher Consulting India
With eight years of experience in SAP business development, Pradip helps customers identify business issues and address them with appropriate SAP offerings.
Global Business Development, Digital Supply Chain
Westernacher Consulting India

At a glance

90 minutes

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