
RISE with SAP and Westernacher

May 11, 2021
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Only companies that can transform and adapt quickly to today’s volatile environment – just think COVID, climate change, and geopolitical tensions – will win. While the why and the what of digital transformation are clear to everyone, the question of how to transform remains a challenge to many.

RISEwithSAP can be your game changer. Join our joint webinar and learn about SAP’s concierge offering to change the culture and mindset of customer enterprises, redesign their business processes, reduce internal complexity end to end, ultimately enabling them to adopt new business models and stay ahead of the competition. An offering that bundles what companies need to holistically transform their business for a fast time to value – at their own speed and terms.
In this webinar, Westernacher experts will show you how we, in partnership with SAP, will guide you through this journey and take care that you fully leverage the power of digital transformation.

Key takeaways.

  • Understand the key aspects and best practices of successful digital transformation and the Intelligent Enterprise concept
  • Get to know the scope of the RISEwithSAP offering
  • Gain a clear picture of your starting point and the path to becoming a digital champion
  • Why RISEwithSAP is the right thing to do and now is the right time for it
  • Outlining the scope of the innovative RISEwithSAP offering
  • Displaying the Business Transformation methodology
  • Showcasing Westernacher services to support your business transformation journey

Keynote speakers.


Vice President & Global Lead Intelligent ERP, Value and Innovation, Westernacher


Head of Cloud Core and RISE Europe, SAP

At a glance

May 11, 2021

90 minutes

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The Future Magazine
presented by Westernacher


Soctt Stormetta – Blockchain is more than Crypto.

Blockchain. Redefining value in the digital age.

Jim Rogers – Future of Money.

Witnessing Money being reinvented.

Gerd Leonhard – The future of AI, Global Collaboration, New Economic Logic

How do we build “The Good future”?

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