
How to digitize the Source-To-Pay (S2P) process in SAP Ariba.

February 28, 2023 | English
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Get an overview of the module capabilities of SAP Ariba. Learn about the benefits SAP Ariba can bring to customers and suppliers. In this webinar, we will show you the process of obtaining and concluding a contract after negotiations with suppliers.
Furthermore, you must also want to know how we set up tasks and workflows and how we negotiate contracts with suppliers on the SAP Ariba digital platform. What happens after signing the contract? Explore a powerful document where you can set various pricing conditions, limits, approval flow, discounts initiated in the contract and implemented in purchases. Discover how the system fully control the use and compliance of the contract negotiated with the selected supplier and notify you of any policy violations.
Lastly, we will uncover the role of SAP Ariba Supplier Network in the S2P process, where you will learn how a purchasing organization finds suppliers with SAP Ariba Business Network.


  • Westernacher in brief
  • What is SAP Ariba?
  • Contract negotiations
  • Compliance of the contract at the catalog level (Terms of contract) with the release of the requisition in Guided Buying
  • The Ariba Supplier Network and Features

Keynote speakers.

Aki Pousar General Manager Westernacher Finland
Aki is the Head of Westernacher business operations in Finland with more than 20 years of experience in business development and SAP solutions implementation in various industries. During the previous years Aki has been focusing to lead major transformation programs ensuring modern SAP technology fits with business processes and organization.
General Manager Finland, Westernacher Consulting
Westernacher LEAP Event Speaker Adam Pietera – Make your business sustainable and resilient with SAP
For over 25 years, Adam Piętera has been providing business solutions based on SAP products, providing services to Polish and international companies. Adam is an enthusiast of cloud solutions supporting source-to-pay and order-to-cash processes, and a digital transformation evangelist. On a daily basis, he supervises implemen­tation projects and creates the architecture of these solutions. At Westernacher Consulting, he is globally responsible for the customer experience and the sourcing & procurement practices.
Head of SAP Customer Experience Solutions and SAP Ariba, Westernacher Consulting

At a glance

February 28, 2023

60 minutes

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