Introducing Westernacher We yard.
A SAP-based Yard Management solution for your warehouse.
March 4, 2025 | 3pm (CET)
March 4, 2025 | 3pm (CET)
In a world where supply chain excellence is everything, it is important to use the best tool for the job. And in a world full of yard management software, it is complicated to find the best tool doing the job for you.
Plants, warehouses, terminals and hubs are different, and so are their surrounding yards. Depending on the existing infrastructure and the given business processes, it can be a long journey to find a fitting yard management solution that fulfils all requirements – and matches your business case! This is why Westernacher is introducing WeYard – a lean yard management tool based on and fully integrated with SAP. Join our digital webinar to find out how WeYard can bridge the gap in your supply chain management and what capabilities are offered out of the box in this brand-new solution. See how different process areas are covered and how WeYard can improve visibility and performance of your yard. Explore the possibilities for your yard workers and how WeYard improves their everyday’s worklife.
Westernacher will provide a complete overview of this new SAP based yard management software.
Michael is the Global Director Yard Logistics at Westernacher and an expert in the field of site logistics and port operations processes. He has authored numerous blog articles with a focus on digitalizing and innovating yards with SAP Yard Logistics.
Global Practice Director Yard Logistics, Westernacher
Matthias has 13+ years of experience in terminal operations, maritime procedures, cargo handling in ports and railway hubs, with extensive experience in yard automation. He assesses customer and market requirements and supports clients on their digitization journey to achieve operational excellence in supply chain networks. For optimal support, he offers a combination of business process design and the selection of appropriate IT-tools.
Practice Director Yard Logistics Europe, Westernacher
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