
SAP S/4HANA 是公司数字化转型的基础。SAP 的业务套件提供给您许多帮助,可以使您从根本上改变您的业务,并为未来做好准备。其中包括用于所有数据的实时储存数据库以及实时分析数据的能力。通过 25 年来指导客户实施 SAP,我们积累了丰富的经验和专业知识,帮助您成功迁移到 SAP S/4HANA。


通过我们的SAP S/4HANA评估入门包——威内源价值实现时间解决方案——我们在最短的时间内与您合作,为您向SAP S/4HANA的过渡制定正确的战略。在短短2-4周内 – 基于SAP Signavio和SNP的一揽子咨询和工具 – 我们向您展示哪些流程可以优化,哪些内部开发已经过时,哪些项目可以合并(例如,增强包升级,业务合作伙伴,新总账,系统整合),这样的项目如何具体地看起来等等。为此,我们提供从小型到大型的不同软件包,并为使用RISE和SAP的客户提供特殊版本。

SAP S/4HANA 评估入门包

SAP S/4HANA 可以影响从财务和供应链到客户服务和营销的所有关键业务职能。借助 SAP S/4HANA,公司能够实时分析数据并直接做出响应。





关于 SAP S/4HANA 入门 的重要问题

SAP S/4HANA 入门的原因、内容和方式



  • 为什么数字化转型不是一种选择,而是一种必需品
  • 颠覆如何来自不同的方向,以及它如何影响我们开展业务的方式
  • 如何充分利用现代技术,这是任何行业未来成功的关键
  • 这如何提供新的商业模式和巨大的机会

SAP 答案概述

  • SAP 的应用战略和未来的 ERP
  • SAP S/4HANA 的下一代功能如何为你带来“不公平的优势”
  • 云的重要性和正确的部署选项
  • 新架构将如何永远改变我们的工作方式


  • 一流的 SAP S/4HANA 初学者的最佳实践
  • SAP S/4HANA 的正确方法
  • 转换选项(绿地、棕地、选择性)如何决定您的成功
  • 如何从流程中提高效率和有效性


从SAP ERP开启我们的SAP服务历程


在 SAP S/4HANA 方面拥有多年的经验


ERP 和财务解决方案实施项目




通过 SAP S/4HANA 运用 3 个步骤实现简化和差异化

迁移到 SAP S/4HANA 的价值

SAP S/4HANA 在机械和设备工程领域

通往 S/4HANA 之路

我们认为,切换到SAP新的Business Suite SAP S/4HANA不是一种选择,而是一种必要。这不是一个“如果”的问题,而是“何时”和“如何”进行迁移的问题。理想情况下,请尽快计划2027年和SAP ECC 6的结束。适当的实现策略对于成功迁移至关重要。它是否应该是一个经过修改的基础设施的本地实施,以应对指数级增长,同时仍然能够实现快速的创新周期?还是经过验证的灵活私有云或公有云解决方案,每年有两个创新周期?也许你计划在超大规模服务器上部署本地版本,而不是在自我管理的基础结构上部署本地版本?我们作为合适的合作伙伴随时为您服务。

转换您的 SAP 系统(棕地)

将现有的 SAP 业务套件系统完全转换为 SAP S/4HANA。如果您当前的 SAP 环境只是在有限的程度上进行修改,并且您的核心流程在 SAP 系统中的结构已达到最佳状态,则只需几个步骤即可转换为 SAP S/4HANA。通过我们的 SAP S/4HANA 评估之一,值得了解您的系统和其他项目的现状。


非常适合拥有 SAP 和非 SAP ERP 系统的大型企业。整合到全球 SAP S/4HANA 系统中或选择性数据迁移。快速实现企业级价值,例如随时软关闭、预算模拟和库存预测。为此,我们与合作伙伴SNP密切合作,并使用SNP水晶桥。在我们的评估包 L 和 RISE 与 SAP 版本中,在这里可以实现规划的最佳开端。

新进入 SAP 世界(绿地)

您当前的 SAP 环境设计是否仍然来自 20 世纪 90 年代?然后,可能是时候迈出一大步,重新开始或进行根本性的改革。使用中央数字核心,无需过去的修改或解决方法。


S/4HANA、TM 或 EWM 等 SAP 解决方案为各种业务流程提供了广泛的功能。如果您有一些SAP未作为标准提供的特殊需求,那么我们的即时创新工具正是您的正确选择。

我们的 S/4HANA 工具之一。 我们同步/GS1。

工具 “Westernacher We sync | GS1” 为 SAP ECC 和 S/4HANA 提供主数据管理。它采用自动导入GS1数据,并在常规的SAP环境中维护主数据,让您更快、更安全地工作。威内源 我们同步|GS1 提供最快捷、最方便的方式将 GS1 整合到您的 SAP 系统中。

SAP Fiori不仅是精巧的设计

SAP Fiori不仅是一款精巧新颖的设计,更是一个可以重新定义企业用户工作方式并提供一致端到端体验的用户界面。它的设计是简单的、基于角色的、响应式的。SAP Fiori是SAP S/4HANA和其他SAP产品(例如EWM和TM)的组成部分。威内源是真正的开拓者,致力于根据客户利益需求对SAP Fiori做出调整。我们拥有一支专业的Fiori开发团队,能够根据企业的需求量身定制和调整S/4的功能。


我们基于自有系统运行SAP S/4HANA平台,并定期更新系统,与SAP最新升级版本保持同步。在S/4HANA解决方案的实施和托管方面,我们始终走在最前沿,致力于为用户提供实时决策支持,助其提高生产力。我们以丰富的经验和专业知识为您提供服务,并根据您在路线图中的位置解答具体问题。

您如何利用 SAP S/4HANA、分析和 Fiori 移动解决方案提高业务绩效、创新和加快流程、提高可用性、数据质量和灵活性?实施 SAP S/4HANA 或将已建立的 ECC 系统转换为 SAP S/4HANA 的优势和正确时机是什么?我们提供各种基于面试和研讨会的套餐 – 根据您的要求量身定制。了解有关 SAP S/4HANA 和威内源的更多信息,并与我们一起预订会议和个人评估包。

SAP S/4HANA 评估入门包

SAP S/4HANA 专家见解

6 steps to your digital transformation with SAP S/4HANA.
The road to SAP S/4HANA seems long and winding – for many existing systems it is not.
One supply chain in SAP S/4HANA.
Higher value, faster at lower cost. S/4HANA as your platform for innovation.
Harmonizing process flows across business units at ITW with SAP S/4HANA.
VW joint venture ICS drives fast value with SAP S/4HANA.
New gen beauty giant Harmay adopts SAP S/4HANA for their omni-channel operations.
A successful change for Westernacher Consulting as it makes the move to S/4HANA.
Showcasing a smooth migration to S/4HANA at Windmöller & Hölscher.


S/4HANA Assessment Starter Package


Duration: 2 weeks

Business process analysis

Processes / LoB / VD


  • OtC or PtP process
  • Finance & sales or procurement
  • Value drivers (max. 1)
  • Automation potentials (max. 3)

Technical interview

Workshop on findings and benefits


Key findings and business benefits

S/4HANA Assessment Starter Package


Duration: 2 weeks

Readiness Check

Business process analysis

Processes / LoB / VD


  • E2E processes (7)
  • Lines of business (max. 2)
  • Value drivers (max. 3)
  • Automation potentials (max. 10)

Technical interview

Workshop on findings and benefits


Key findings and business benefits

S/4HANA Assessment Starter Package


Duration: 6 weeks

Readiness Check

Business process analysis

Processes / LoB / VD


  • E2E processes (7)
  • Lines of business (max. 6)
  • Value drivers (max. 3)
  • Automation potentials (max. 20)

Comparison with the latest SAP S/4HANA business functionality

Technical interview

Workshop on findings and benefits


Key findings and business benefits

Recommended deployment options

Final presentation and documentation

S/4HANA Assessment Starter Package


Duration: 8-12 weeks

Readiness check

Business process analysis and SNP system Scan

Processes / LoB / VD


  • E2E processes (7)
  • Lines of business (6)
  • Value drivers (12)
  • Automation potentials (all)

SNP System Scan

Comparison with the latest SAP S/4HANA business functionality

Technical interview

Workshop on findings and benefits


Key findings and business benefits

Recommended deployment options

Demonstration of the advantages of the hybrid approach

Project plan and cost estimate

Design concept and high-level project plan

Final presentation and documentation

S/4HANA Assessment Starter Package


Duration: 12-16 weeks

Readiness check

Business process analysis and SNP system Scan

Processes / LoB / VD


  • E2E processes (7)
  • Lines of business (6)
  • Value drivers (12)

SNP System Scan

Comparison with the latest SAP S/4HANA business functionality

Technical interview

Workshop on findings and benefits


Key findings and business benefits

Recommended deployment options

Demonstration of the advantages of the hybrid approach

Project plan and cost estimate

Design concept and high-level project plan

Final presentation and documentation

SAP S/4HANA ERP & Finance

General changes.

Moving you closer to business success.
implementation methodology

Business partner

A major change in S/4HANA, which can be anticipated in ECC, is the Business Partner Concept, known already from SAP CRM. All customer and vendor master data have to be migrated as Business Partner. SAP aligns the concept of Business Partner as other Supply Chain Management (SCM) applications like Advanced Planning & Optimization (APO), Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) or Transportation Management (TM) will be integrated to the Digital Core of S/4HANA.

User interface

Fiori is a new User Experience based on web technology. With Fiori you can have good, modern and intuitive user interfaces to operate with your SAP systems. There are plenty of apps available and ready to use. And there are tools and technology to modify existing apps or even create new apps tailored to your needs. The Fiori ecosystem is growing rapidly and offers many options for various use cases and scenarios.

Activate implementation methodology

There is no concept of blueprinting in S/4HANA implementation. S/4HANA has introduced the new ‘Activate’ methodology. SAP offers a prebuilt demo system with SAP’s best practices for specific business processes. Business users can now test a demo system to see whether it meets their business requirements or not. Fit-gap analysis can be done after the initial trial period.

SAP S/4HANA ERP & Finance


Your accounting, simplified.

Single source of truth

New General

Integration of Finance and

Profibility Analysis


Revenue recognition

Single source of truth

S/4HANA simplifies the data structures of Finance and Controlling (Finance FI, Asset Accounting AA, Controlling CO, Profitability Analysis CO-PA and Material Ledger) into the Universal Journal with its centerpiece, the single line item table ACDOCA. This reduces aggregate and index tables and therefore reduces the data volume drastically and speeds up transactions and reporting.

Integration of Finance and Controlling

In S/4HANA, only one field of Universal Journal is used to store both General Ledger account and cost element posting. Reconciliation as in ECC is not needed anymore. Period-end closing and reporting will be several times faster.

Revenue recognition

Revenue Recognition is being replaced by SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting (RAR) due to the new accounting standard jointly released by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and meeting the requirements of parallel accounting and cost recognition.

Profitability analysis

Account-based Profitability Analysis CO-PA is now the default option, and costing-based CO-PA is optional. Both options can be run simultaneously.

New general ledger

S/4HANA is based on the New General Ledger (GL) of ECC, and the migration is done automatically when converting from ECC with Old General Ledger to S/4HANA. Customers do not need to use the features of New General Ledger as Document Split or Parallel Ledger, but can implement during conversion or at a later stage. The New General Ledger’s functionality is a prerequisite for the new Asset accounting.

Credit management

Credit Management of ECC (FI-AR-CR ) is replaced by that of Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM-CR), which is based on a distributed architecture and allows interfaces with external credit rating agencies. Traditional FI-AR-CR credit control setting requires a high degree of manual work. FSCM-CR has advanced features such as:
  • Credit rule engine for automatic risk scoring & credit limit calculations
  • Automatic update to master data on approval of credit limit
  • Workflow for credit events

SAP S/4HANA ERP & Finance

Supply chain.

Giving you control over your products.




requirements planning



The new advanced ATP check (aATP) is optimized for the HANA database. The logic to read the planning elements has been fully redesigned to improve the performance and is benefiting from the newly introduced inventory data model.

New confirmation strategy in backorder processing.

  • Predefined confirmation strategies: Win, Gain, Redistribute, Fill and Lose

Product allocation process

  • Newly developed
  • Neither ECC process, nor APO process
  • Reduced customizing effort in Fiori Apps

Release for Delivery

  • New Fiori app to review shortage situations and the result
  • Easy control of assigning critical sales order requirements

The newly developed aATP is neither a replacement for gATP, nor delivering all features of gATP in the near future. gATP can be called from S/4HANA for very complex ATP scenarios. gATP on APO has unique features like rule-based ATP (for substitution of location plant or material), multi-level ATP check, advanced check for product allocation with ATP or advanced backorder processing.

Warehouse Management

Existing Warehouse Management modules will be replaced by SAP’s new application for Extended Warehouse Management (EWM). There will be two options:

  1. Native integration inbuilt in S/4HANA
  2. Sidecar approach for decentralized deployment

There are several advantages like complex warehouse processing through Process Oriented Storage Control (POSC), improved and easily customizable RF functionality, value-added services like kitting, enhanced wave & replenishment processes and labor management.

Foreign trade

Foreign trade functionality has been replaced by Global Trade Services (SAP GTS). Advanced features are Sanctioned Party List Screening (SPL), automated embargo check, automatic and simplified license check and automatic import/export declaration.

Material ledger

Activation of Material Ledger (ML) is mandatory. ML valuates inventory in multiple currencies. Traditionally inventory is mainly valuated with a single currency in SAP ERP. ML allows valuation in two additional currencies. Today’s global organizations operating in different countries need to valuate inventory in multiple currencies. For example, a company in Norway dealing with oil needs to maintain their books in Norwegian currency (NOK); they would also like to evaluate their inventory in USD as oil is traded on the international market in USD.

Material requirements planning

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) in ECC is run through batch jobs during off-peak hours. As there is no need for batch jobs in S/4HANA, MRP can now be run in real-time. MRP can be run on plant and MRP area level, but not on storage location level. In ECC, Storage location can either be excluded from MRP or planned separately. SAP recommends using MRP area with MRP type (ND in case of exclusion or VB for re-order point planning) for those scenarios at storage location level. MRP with subcontracting has also been simplified.

Material number

The Material Number can now be 40 characters, as opposed to the existing 18. The impact of this extension on custom coding, interfaces and other SAP applications needs to be evaluated before switching to 40 characters.

Transportation Management

Since the release of S/4HANA 1709, S/4HANA Supply Chain for Transportation Management (TM) is finally fully embedded in the S/4HANA environment. Of course, LE-TRA can still be used in S/4, but it is part of the Compatibility Scope, which means that it can be used during migration phases, but it is not part of the target architecture. There are several possible scenarios to run TM in S/4HANA, which starts with basic shipping, and ends with the complete scope of the inbuilt TM solution. The functional scope of S/4HANA Supply Chain for TM is the baseline for full automation, Control Tower and Management by Exception scenarios.

SAP S/4HANA ERP & Finance

Sales & Service.

Intelligent, quick, effective support.
Lead &

Rebate management

The Settlement Management Solution is the functional equivalent of SD Rebate processing on S/4HANA. The Condition Contract Settlement Solution allows you to set up different rebate scenarios and settlement processes to fulfill the business requirements.

Key features:

  • Flexible data sources
  • Business selection criteria
  • Settlement calendar
  • Streamlined contract entry and contract processing

Backorder processing

The new Backorder Processing (BOP) introduced with S/4HANA is a new approach to rescheduling and redistributing order quantities depending on the Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) confirmation strategies: “Win, Gain, Redistribute, Fill, Lose”.

The backorder rules follow a custom segmentation of ATP requirements. To fulfill your company’s strategy of backorder processing, you can trigger rescheduling and redistribution based on specific selection criteria and prioritization.

Key features:

  • Maintain and reuse existing BOP variants
  • Assign confirmation strategies
  • Define new requirement categories
  • Define global filters
  • Simulate and schedule backorder processing runs in one step

Lead & opportunity management

With the introduction of S/4HANA for Customer Management, the Lead and Opportunity Management of SAP Business Suite CRM is available on S/4HANA. It is now possible to plan the sales pipeline without the need for an additional CRM server, which has a positive impact on the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). This feature is accompanied by the Activity and Task Manager.

Service contracts

With the introduction of S/4HANA for Customer Management, the Service Contract Management of SAP Business Suite CRM is available on S/4HANA. Service contracts represent long-term service agreements with customers in relation to the content and scope of services guaranteed within a predefined timeframe.

In general, the “S/4HANA for Customer Management – Service Core Option” is the successor solution for the Customer Service (CS) solution that is currently running in “compatibility mode” on S/4HANA.


The Pricing Data Model has been optimized for the SAP HANA database.
Some database tables and structures have been replaced and data elements have been changed in their length. As an example, the number of customer condition tables has doubled and the number of access steps in an access sequence has increased to 999. Migration reports are rolled out to update the existing condition records.


The Future Magazine
presented by Westernacher


Soctt Stormetta – Blockchain is more than Crypto.

Blockchain. Redefining value in the digital age.

Jim Rogers – Future of Money.

Witnessing Money being reinvented.

Mark Pesce — Behind the Scenes of the Metaverse.

Limitless. A new World is in the Making.

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