
Master Data Management App.

Enhancing supply chain decisions with machine learning-assisted master data analysis.

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Published on August 31, 2023 – Alexis Lozada, Associate Principal, Supply Chain Planning, Westernacher Consulting

Supply chain planning decisions are the core of operational success, relying heavily on data accurately representing the supply chain and fundamental flows of information such as demand and supply. For example, determining how much to invest in supply resources to meet the demand of a product family relies on an accurate aggregate calculation of such demand. Using incorrect data leads to making decisions on incorrect results. Again, incorrect demand prediction of a product family can lead to an over-investment or under-investment of necessary supply resources. For instance, a scenario example showed incorrect master data for the definition of product family can lead to an erroneous demand aggregation prediction as much as 20%.

The expected return of investments in supply chain technologies relies on user adoption. If users do not trust results from supply chain technologies because of “garbage in garbage out”, adoption will be low and detrimental to expected returns.

The good news is that in today’s supply chain technology landscape, SAP Integrated Business Planning for supply chain (“SAP IBP”) offers master data management capabilities to prevent decisions based on inaccurate data and drive high user adoption. The Fiori application Master Data Management offers easy-to-use visibility to master data inputs and data quality handling features. With the feature Discover Patterns using Machine Learning, users can:

  • Identify Pattern Analyses: Users list the pattern analyses that have been performed for master data types used in your planning areas.
  • Detailed Pattern Information: Obtain detailed information about the pattern analyses, helping users better understand their implications.
  • Assess Applicable Rules: Determine if the patterns can be considered applicable rules.
  • Recommended Corrections: Assess the recommended corrections listed and identify changes that should be applied to master data.
  • Delete patterns that are no longer relevant.

Your supply chain’s success hinges on accurate data and informed decision-making. SAP IBP’s Master Data Management application, equipped with cutting-edge machine learning capabilities, empowers users to overcome data inaccuracies, enhance trust in technology, and drive your SAP IBP implementation towards unparalleled success.

Let’s talk.  Happy to demonstrate this powerful application and how it can drive your SAP IBP implementation to success.


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