Internet of Things

Connected Fleets.

Connected Fleet on SAP is an integrated Internet of Things solution that functions together with others especially in a way seen as driving process automation and optimization.

Main business benefits

Real-time process visibility
By integration live sensor information such as location, freight condition, ETA.
Increased fleet utilization
Based on increased transparency and accurate maintenance planning.
Improved process automation
With geofencing and automatic process triggers based on real time sensor information.

Main features

Real-time position monitoring & geofencing
Live position tracking of the fleet and its process integration with geofencing, status confirmation.
Real-time visibility & compliance
Management and operational dashboards overseeing all related processes and incidents as well as ensuring compliance at all times.
Tight process integration
Improve on transportation processes, such as freight quality control and delay detection during execution, automatic milestone confirmation and process triggering in SAP transportation and warehousing system.

Let's work together.


The Future Magazine
presented by Westernacher


Soctt Stormetta – Blockchain is more than Crypto.

Blockchain. Redefining value in the digital age.

Jim Rogers – Future of Money.

Witnessing Money being reinvented.

Gerd Leonhard – The future of AI, Global Collaboration, New Economic Logic

How do we build “The Good future”?

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