
Level up your manufacturing with SAP Digital Manufacturing Cloud

15. April 2021
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SAP’s strategy is shifting towards the cloud, and the most significant change in manufacturing is the new Digital Manufacturing Cloud (DMC) solution. It is SAP’s answer to the increasing demand for more agile, efficient and sustainable processes covering the execution of production and in-depth manufacturing insights. Join our webinar to learn about the key features of the new SAP DMC Execution and Insight solutions and how manufacturers can leverage them to take their production to another level.

Key takeaways.

  • Understand the key aspects of the Digital Manufacturing Cloud
  • Get to know the capabilities of „Execution“ and „Insights“
  • Gain knowledge on its integration features both process and machine/asset related (horizontal and vertical)
  • Trends and challenges in manufacturing
  • SAPs response to those – Digital Manufacturing Cloud solution overview
  • Deep Dive into the execution and insights modules – Integration scenarios (horizonal and vertical)
  • Key innovations and their value add

Keynote speakers.

Foa Torres
Eugenia is an SAP Digital Supply Chain consultant in the area of Planning and Industry 4.0. She specializes in Industrial IoT solutions with a focus on manufacturing and asset management.
Digital Supply Chain Consultant, Westernacher
Alexander Hero
Alexander is a consultant for SAP Supply Chain Management with a focus on Industry 4.0. He specializes in the SAP cloud applications of manufacturing, asset management, and the internet of things.
Consultant Industry 4.0, Westernacher
Matthias Hollenders
Matthias is leading the Industry 4.0 practice at Westernacher and has 10+ years of experience in SAP Supply Chain Management.
Global Lead Industry 4.0, Westernacher
At a glance

45 minutes

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