SAP Analytics Cloud.

En el panorama empresarial actual, en rápida evolución, los datos se han convertido en un activo fundamental que puede determinar el éxito o el fracaso de una empresa. Con SAP Analytics Cloud, las empresas disponen de las herramientas que necesitan para aprovechar el poder de sus datos y convertirlos en una ventaja competitiva.

¿Qué es SAP Analytics Cloud?

SAP Analytics Cloud es una plataforma desarrollada por SAP de análisis e inteligencia empresarial basada en la nube. Proporciona una solución integral para que empresas de todos los tamaños obtengan informaciones sobre sus datos, tomen decisiones basadas en ellos y colaboren en tiempo real.

Con su diseño basado en la nube, sus funciones analíticas de vanguardia y una interfaz de usuario intuitiva, SAC permite a las organizaciones de todos los tamaños acceder, analizar y colaborar fácilmente con sus datos. Tanto si buscan obtener una mejor visibilidad de las operaciones, tomar decisiones informadas o trabajar en equipo de forma más eficaz, SAP Analytics Cloud cubre todas estas áreas. Además, sus ventajas de escalabilidad y ahorro de costes la convierten en una inversión inteligente para cualquier empresa que desee mantenerse a la vanguardia en el mundo de los datos.

Empiece hoy mismo a liberar todo el potencial de sus datos con SAP Analytics Cloud.

Modelización de datos

La modelización de datos en SAP Analytics Cloud implica la organización de los datos para facilitar su análisis y comprensión. Para ello, se crea una representación lógica de las relaciones entre los datos. SAP Analytics Cloud ofrece varias herramientas de modelado de datos para crear modelos personalizados con el fin de mejorar la calidad de los datos y obtener información más profunda.


La extracción en SAP Analytics Cloud implica la recuperación de datos de varias fuentes para el análisis y la generación de informes. La plataforma proporciona múltiples opciones de extracción, incluidas conexiones directas a bases de datos y extracción de archivos planos, para una recuperación de datos rápida y segura. La extracción permite combinar datos de varias fuentes para obtener una visión unificada e informaciones más profundas.

Análisis predictivo

El análisis predictivo en SAP Analytics Cloud utiliza datos históricos, machine learning y modelos estadísticos para realizar predicciones sobre eventos o tendencias futuros. Ayuda a las empresas a identificar riesgos y oportunidades y a tomar decisiones basadas en datos. SAP Analytics Cloud ofrece varias herramientas de análisis predictivo, como el modelado predictivo, el machine learning y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NLP), para crear modelos personalizados.

Integración en tiempo real

La integración en tiempo real en SAP Analytics Cloud permite acceder a los datos y analizarlos a medida que se generan. Esto proporciona a las empresas la capacidad de tomar decisiones basadas en datos y responder rápidamente a los cambios. SAP Analytics Cloud se integra con diversas fuentes para ofrecer un acceso rápido, flexible y seguro a los datos en tiempo real. La integración en tiempo real permite a las empresas obtener una ventaja competitiva tomando decisiones basadas en datos en tiempo real y respondiendo rápidamente a las condiciones cambiantes.

Creación de aplicaciones analíticas

La creación de aplicaciones analíticas en SAP Analytics Cloud implica la creación de aplicaciones analíticas personalizadas para necesidades empresariales específicas. La plataforma proporciona herramientas analíticas avanzadas para crear aplicaciones personalizadas de información en tiempo real. SAP Analytics Cloud ofrece una gama de herramientas para crear aplicaciones personalizadas, mejorar la calidad de los datos y los procesos de gestión y obtener información más profunda.


La planificación en SAP Analytics Cloud implica crear, gestionar y analizar planes y presupuestos financieros y operativos. Ayuda a las empresas a tomar decisiones informadas y a realizar un seguimiento del rendimiento. SAP Analytics Cloud ofrece herramientas de planificación y presupuestación, como la planificación financiera, la planificación operativa y de ventas y la planificación del personal, para crear planes personalizados. La planificación en SAP Analytics Cloud mejora la precisión de las previsiones, agiliza la elaboración de presupuestos y proporciona una visión más profunda de las operaciones.

Plantillas de visualización de autoservicio

Las Plantillas de visualización de autoservicio en SAP Analytics Cloud son plantillas prediseñadas para crear fácilmente informes interactivos, cuadros de mando y visualizaciones. Estas plantillas son fáciles de usar y personalizables, lo que permite a los usuarios crear informes que satisfagan sus necesidades específicas. Con estas plantillas de visualización, los usuarios pueden crear y compartir rápidamente informes interactivos que muestren métricas e información clave. SAP Analytics Cloud ofrece una variedad de plantillas para diversos casos de uso, lo que hace que sea accesible para todos los niveles de conocimientos para obtener información de sus datos.

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de SAP Analytics Cloud?


Fácil integración de datos

SAP Analytics Cloud permite integrar fácilmente datos de una amplia gama de fuentes, incluidos sistemas locales, aplicaciones basadas en la nube y plataformas de big data. Esto simplifica el acceso de las organizaciones a todos sus datos en un solo lugar, sin tener que lidiar con las complejidades de la integración de datos.


Capacidades analíticas avanzadas

La plataforma ofrece funciones analíticas avanzadas, como el modelado predictivo, el machine learning y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural. Estas herramientas permiten a las empresas tomar decisiones basadas en datos y descubrir patrones e informaciones ocultos en sus datos.


Interfaz fácil de usar

SAP Analytics Cloud presenta una interfaz fácil de usar que simplifica la creación y el uso compartido de informes interactivos, cuadros de mando y visualizaciones por parte de los usuarios. La funcionalidad “Arrastrar y soltar” y el diseño intuitivo de la plataforma la hacen accesible a usuarios de todos los niveles, lo que permite a las empresas obtener información sobre sus datos de forma rápida y sencilla.


Colaborar y compartir

SAP Analytics Cloud permite a los usuarios colaborar y compartir perspectivas e informes en tiempo real. Esto facilita el trabajo conjunto de los equipos y garantiza que todos tengan acceso a la misma información.



La arquitectura basada en la nube de SAP Analytics Cloud hace que sea altamente escalable, lo que permite a las organizaciones añadir usuarios y fuentes de datos a medida que cambian sus necesidades. Esto significa que las empresas pueden crecer y evolucionar sin tener que preocuparse por las limitaciones de su solución analítica.


Ahorro de costes

Al utilizar una solución analítica basada en la nube, las organizaciones pueden ahorrarse los costes asociados al software y el hardware in situ, como los derechos de licencia, las actualizaciones de hardware y el soporte de TI.

¿Cuáles son las funciones de SAP Analytics Cloud?

Integración de datos

SAP Analytics Cloud permite a las empresas integrar datos de múltiples fuentes en una sola plataforma, lo que facilita el acceso y el análisis de todos los datos que necesitan. Admite la integración con sistemas locales y basados en la nube, incluidos sistemas SAP, bases de datos HANA y fuentes de datos muy utilizadas como Salesforce, Oracle y Microsoft Excel.

Visualización de datos

SAP Analytics Cloud ofrece diversas opciones de visualización de datos, como tablas, gráficos y mapas. También ofrece la posibilidad de crear cuadros de mando e informes interactivos, lo que facilita el intercambio de información con las partes interesadas.

Análisis predictivo

La plataforma incluye funciones analíticas avanzadas, como el modelado predictivo y el machine learning, para ayudar a las empresas a predecir tendencias futuras y tomar mejores decisiones.


SAP Analytics Cloud facilita la colaboración de los equipos en tiempo real, al proporcionar una plataforma centralizada para compartir informaciones y datos. También incluye funciones de chat y comentarios, lo que permite a los equipos trabajar juntos en proyectos desde cualquier lugar.

Accesibilidad Móvil

La plataforma es accesible desde cualquier dispositivo, incluidos smartphones y tabletas, lo que facilita el acceso de las empresas a sus datos y el análisis de éstos desde cualquier lugar.

Gobernanza y seguridad

SAP Analytics Cloud proporciona sólidas funciones de gobernanza y seguridad para garantizar que los datos están protegidos y que solo pueden acceder a ellos los usuarios autorizados. Incluye control de acceso basado en roles, privacidad de datos y cifrado para proteger los datos confidenciales.

SAC Insights.

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SAP Analytics Cloud

Data integration.

Data integration is the process of combining data from different sources into a single, unified view. In the context of SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), data integration is critical for providing a comprehensive view of business performance.
SAC provides a range of options for integrating data from various sources, including on-premise and cloud-based systems. The platform supports direct connections to various databases and data sources, such as SAP HANA, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and more. Additionally, SAC also supports data integration from non-SAP sources, such as CSV and Excel files.
  • Oracle
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • data integration from non-SAP sources such as CSV and Excel files
One of the key benefits of SAC is its ability to connect to multiple data sources and combine them into a single view. This allows organizations to access a complete picture of their business performance without having to switch between multiple systems or tools. The data integration process can be performed in a few simple steps, using a drag-and-drop interface or a script-based approach.
Once the data is integrated, SAC provides a variety of data modeling and visualization options. This allows organizations to create meaningful insights and reports that can be used to drive business decisions. With its powerful analytics and visualization capabilities, SAC enables organizations to gain a deeper understanding of their data and make informed decisions based on real-time insights.
SAC also provides robust data security and governance features. This includes the ability to manage data access and control who can view and edit data. Additionally, SAC provides a range of data governance and audit capabilities, allowing organizations to monitor data usage and ensure that data is being used in a secure and compliant manner.
In conclusion, data integration is a critical aspect of SAP Analytics Cloud, enabling organizations to access a comprehensive view of their business performance. With its powerful data integration and visualization capabilities, SAC provides organizations with the insights they need to make informed decisions and drive business success.

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SAP Analytics Cloud

Dashboards and visualization.

SAP Analytics Cloud is a cloud-based business intelligence and analytics platform that provides organizations with a comprehensive suite of tools to analyze data, create and share reports, and collaborate on insights. One of the key features of SAP Analytics Cloud is its dashboards and visualization capabilities.
Dashboards in SAP Analytics Cloud provide users with a centralized view of their data, bringing together key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and visualizations from multiple data sources into a single, easy-to-use interface. With a variety of interactive charts, graphs, and other visualization types, SAP Analytics Cloud makes it simple to quickly understand the story behind your data and gain new insights.
SAP Analytics Cloud supports a range of data visualization types, including bar charts, line charts, scatter plots, pie charts, and more. Users can easily customize the look and feel of their visualizations, adjusting colors, labels, and other formatting options to match their organization’s branding.
Westernacher Consulting SAC Dashboard SAP TM Insights Mockup Laptop
Westernacher Consulting SAC Dashboard GhG Monitor Mockup Tablet
In addition to creating dashboards and visualizations, SAP Analytics Cloud also includes robust collaboration features that make it easy to share insights and work with others. With SAP Analytics Cloud, you can share dashboards and visualizations with your team or entire organization, or invite others to collaborate on them with you.
One of the key benefits of SAP Analytics Cloud is that it provides a complete end-to-end solution for data analysis, from data sourcing and preparation to visualization and collaboration. This means that organizations can streamline their analytics processes and get up-and-running quickly, without having to worry about integrating multiple tools and systems.
Another advantage of SAP Analytics Cloud is its ability to connect to a wide range of data sources, including SAP and non-SAP systems, cloud and on-premise databases, and more. This gives organizations the flexibility to work with the data that’s most important to them, no matter where it resides.
In conclusion, dashboards and visualization play a key role in SAP Analytics Cloud, providing organizations with an easy-to-use and interactive way to understand and communicate the insights in their data. Whether you’re looking to analyze sales trends, measure customer satisfaction, or monitor key performance metrics, SAP Analytics Cloud offers a powerful set of tools to help you turn your data into actionable insights.

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SAP Analytics Cloud

Predictive Analytics.

SAP Analytics Cloud is a cloud-based platform for business intelligence, planning, and predictive analytics. The platform enables businesses to combine and analyze data from multiple sources, uncover insights and make informed decisions. Predictive analytics is an essential component of the SAP Analytics Cloud, providing users with the ability to analyze data and predict future outcomes.
One of the key benefits of using predictive analytics with SAP Analytics Cloud is that it can help organizations to identify trends and patterns in their data, which can then be used to make informed decisions about future business strategies.
For example, if a company is looking to increase its sales, it can use predictive analytics to identify the factors that are driving its sales growth and make predictions about future sales trends. This information can then be used to make decisions about where to allocate resources, which products to focus on, and how to optimize marketing campaigns.
Another benefit of predictive analytics with SAP Analytics Cloud is that it can help organizations to reduce the risk of business decisions.
For example, if a company is considering entering a new market, it can use predictive analytics to evaluate the potential risks and benefits of that market and make informed decisions about whether to proceed. By using predictive analytics, companies can minimize the risk of making decisions that have negative consequences and maximize the chances of success.

One of the most important aspects of predictive analytics is the ability to identify key drivers of business performance. SAP Analytics Cloud provides users with a variety of tools to help them identify these drivers, including data visualization, machine learning algorithms, and statistical analysis. By using these tools, users can identify the factors that are driving business performance and make predictions about future performance.

Finally, SAP Analytics Cloud provides users with the ability to collaborate and share insights with other members of their organization.
For example, if a team is working on a project, they can use SAP Analytics Cloud to share insights, discuss results, and make informed decisions together. By working together, teams can make more informed decisions, reduce the risk of making mistakes, and ensure that all relevant information is taken into account.
In conclusion, predictive analytics is a critical component of SAP Analytics Cloud that provides users with the ability to analyze data, identify trends and patterns, and make informed decisions about future business strategies. Whether you are a large enterprise or a small business, SAP Analytics Cloud can help you to make better decisions and achieve better business outcomes.

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SAP Analytics Cloud


Collaboration with SAP Analytics Cloud is the future of data analysis and decision making. The cloud-based platform is designed to offer businesses the ability to centralize their data and insights, making it easier for teams to work together and make informed decisions.

One of the key benefits of SAP Analytics Cloud is the ability to share insights and data with team members in real-time. This eliminates the need for multiple versions of spreadsheets, reducing the risk of data inconsistencies and speeding up the decision-making process. Additionally, team members can access the same data from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing for seamless collaboration across remote and global teams.

Another significant advantage of SAP Analytics Cloud is its advanced data visualization and reporting capabilities. The platform enables teams to create interactive dashboards and reports that provide a clear understanding of their data. These visualizations can be customized to meet specific business needs and can be easily shared with team members.
The platform also offers advanced analytics capabilities, including predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms. This allows businesses to uncover insights they might have otherwise missed, and make informed decisions based on data-driven predictions. These advanced analytics capabilities are also available on a self-service basis, so teams can explore their data without the need for specialized IT support.
SAP Analytics Cloud integrates with a range of data sources, including SAP and non-SAP systems, so businesses can consolidate all their data in one place. This eliminates the need for manual data import and reduces the risk of data errors. Additionally, the platform provides access to a range of data connectors, making it easy to connect to cloud and on-premise data sources.
Finally, SAP Analytics Cloud provides robust security features to protect sensitive data. The platform provides role-based access control, data encryption, and activity logging, so businesses can be confident that their data is secure.
In conclusion, SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful platform that offers businesses the ability to collaborate, analyze, and visualize their data in one centralized location. With its real-time collaboration, advanced analytics, and robust security features, businesses can make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date data.

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SAP Analytics Cloud

Mobile Accessibility.

The mobile world is continuously evolving, and people are relying on their smartphones and tablets for almost everything. In this digital era, businesses are rapidly adapting to this trend and are providing their employees with the tools they need to work from anywhere, at any time. SAP Analytics Cloud is one such tool that has made it possible for organizations to access business intelligence and analytics on the go. With its mobile accessibility features, SAP Analytics Cloud provides businesses with the ability to make informed decisions, even when decision makers are away from their desks.

SAP Analytics Cloud is a cloud-based business intelligence and analytics platform that provides a comprehensive suite of tools for data discovery, visualization, and forecasting. It offers a user-friendly interface that enables users to easily create and share interactive dashboards and reports. Additionally, the platform integrates seamlessly with other SAP solutions, making it easier for organizations to access and analyze their data in one place.
One of the key benefits of SAP Analytics Cloud is its mobile accessibility. The platform has a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices, which allows users to access and analyze their data from anywhere, at any time. The app provides a simple and intuitive interface, enabling users to quickly and easily access their data and insights. With the mobile app, users can create, view, and share reports, as well as collaborate with their colleagues in real-time.

SAP Analytics Cloud also offers robust security features to protect sensitive data, even when accessed from mobile devices. The platform uses advanced encryption techniques to protect data in transit and at rest and provides users with the ability to set access controls and permissions to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive information. This makes it possible for organizations to use SAP Analytics Cloud to access and analyze critical business data, even when their decision makers are on the go.

In conclusion, mobile accessibility with SAP Analytics Cloud provides businesses with the ability to make informed decisions. With its mobile app, users can access and analyze their data from anywhere, at any time, and make informed decisions that drive their business forward. Whether they are in a meeting, on a train, or simply away from their desk, SAP Analytics Cloud provides users with the tools they need to make informed decisions, no matter where they are.

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SAP Analytics Cloud

Governance and security.

Governance and security are two critical aspects of any enterprise analytics solution, and SAP Analytics Cloud is no exception. The platform provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to ensure that sensitive data is protected, and that users have the appropriate level of access to that data. In this article, we will explore the governance and security features of SAP Analytics Cloud.

SAP Analytics Cloud provides a number of features to help organizations ensure that their data is properly managed and governed. These include:
  • Data Quality:
    The platform provides a range of data quality checks and validations, such as duplicate detection, data format checks, and more, to ensure that the data being entered into the system is accurate and consistent.

  • Data Lineage:
    SAP Analytics Cloud provides an easy-to-use visual representation of the relationships between data sources and models, which helps organizations to understand where their data is coming from and how it is being used.

  • Data Governance:
    The platform provides role-based access controls that allow administrators to restrict who has access to sensitive data, as well as audit trails to track who has been accessing that data and what changes have been made.

  • Data Management:
    SAP Analytics Cloud provides a range of tools for managing data, including data loading and transformation, data modeling, and data publishing.
SAP Analytics Cloud also provides a comprehensive set of security features to ensure that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access. These include:
  • Authentication:
    The platform supports a range of authentication methods, including single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA), to ensure that only authorized users can access the system.

  • Encryption:
    SAP Analytics Cloud provides data-at-rest encryption to protect sensitive data stored in the platform, and data-in-transit encryption to protect data as it is transmitted over the network.

  • Access Controls:
    The platform provides role-based access controls to ensure that users only have access to the data that they need to do their jobs.

  • Auditing:
    SAP Analytics Cloud provides an audit trail that tracks who has been accessing data and what changes have been made, which helps organizations to detect and prevent unauthorized access.
SAP Analytics Cloud provides a comprehensive set of governance and security features that help organizations ensure that their sensitive data is protected and that users have the appropriate level of access to that data. The platform provides a range of tools and features to ensure that data is properly managed and governed, and that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access. Whether you are looking to improve the governance of your data or to ensure that your sensitive data is protected, SAP Analytics Cloud provides the tools and features you need to succeed.

Get more information and contact us today.</span


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