
Make your business sustainable and resilient with SAP. Now.

Visit our live sessions on hot topics such as CO2 neutrality, digital transformation, sustainable supply chains, agile and resilient logistics networks and many more in Heidelberg or online.

September 22, 2022  |  Hybrid event – Heidelberg & Online

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Discuss with experienced experts from Westernacher, SAP and Miebach Consulting. Learn from Vestas – named „the most sustainable company in the world“ in 2022 – which challenges have to be mastered in their logistics. Get information that will help you progress. A “LEAP” for more sustainability and resilience.
In Heidelberg, we will host you for a day full of interesting conversations with delicious snacks and drinks. Feel free to invite business friends from other companies.

Digital transformation – when, if not now?

The sessions.

Will technology and resilience meet sustainability in the 6th wave of innovation?

1/12 Keynote – Business transformation | Benjamin Dewilde, CEO, Westernacher Group
Digitalization is the enabler of the LEAP which all champions of the sixth wave of innovation will take. Driving growth through new business models, profitability through automation and resilience through visibility and (artificial) intelligence. But where does this leave sustainability? Will sustainability become a business necessity? If so, how can we remove unsustainable practices and live up to our stakeholders’ ethical expectations? How can we explore new business models and markets in a way that safeguards our future? The time for talking is over, the challenges are pressing, let’s take action now and see how digitalization can enable growth, resilience and sustainability. Now!

Harness the power of an intelligent, sustainable enterprise with SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

2/12 Keynote – Business transformation | Sven Denecken, Senior Vice President COO S4/HANA and Head of Product Success, SAP
In a time where change is a required constant and innovation a must, SAP S/4HANA Cloud runs the most mission-critical systems around the globe, while enabling our customers with the innovation they need to achieve their top line, bottom line and green line ambitions. Sven Denecken will share what it takes to become an intelligent, sustainable enterprise with SAP S/4HANA Cloud and even more agile, productive, connected.

Vestas' view on managing global supply chains with a sustainability mindset.

3/12 Keynote – Sustainability – Transportation networks | Anders Kloppenborg, Senior Supply Chain Generalist, Vestas Wind Systems
Transportation in the wind industry is one of a kind with two main complexities. The first is delivering in a project-based global supply chain and the second is delivering enormous components that require full attention in planning and execution. Vestas has been named “the most sustainable company in the world” in 2022. Anders shares Vestas’ view on managing global supply chain complexities and disruptions with a sustainability mindset while addressing Vestas’ mission critical approach for delivering wind turbine components to customers safely, on time and at the lowest cost.

How to reduce your carbon footprint and make smart decisions with sustainability analytics.

4/12 Sustainability – Carbon footprint | Mark Mrosek, Practice Director Business Planning & Analytics, Westernacher Consulting
Faced with the challenges of climate change, many companies are aiming to become carbon neutral. As a consulting company constantly striving for innovation and excellence and with a focus on solving our customers’ challenges, we came up with a solution that not only reduced our CO2 emissions but helped us ourselves to become carbon neutral in record time. We are going even further and show you how you can leverage sustainability analytics and integrate the green line into your decision-making processes to shape the strategy of your company.

Manage requirements of the Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act.

5/12 Sustainability – Supply chain act | Adam Pietera, Head of SAP Customer Experience Solutions and ARIBA, Westernacher Consulting
To strengthen human rights and to protect the environment through supply chains, the German Federal Government has brought about the German Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act (”Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz”). The European Union is planning for a similar legislation now. A risk management system shall be used to assess, mitigate and monitor risks regarding human rights and environmental impact in supply chains. The deadline for notifications to the Federal Government is April 2024. We, as a consulting company, show you how to deal with the requirements and how SAP Ariba Supplier Risk solution supports you with all the necessary features.

Integrating sustainability into network design.

6/12 Sustainability – Network design | Jakob Stary, Consultant & CoE Lead Sustainability Network Design, Miebach Consulting
Over the past years, the attitude of consumers towards sustainability has changed and is forcing companies to adapt their behavior today – not only in daily operations but also in strategic decisions. While in the past network design was dominated by efficiency & cost as well as customer service levels & risks, sustainability has now also gained an important role as the third pillar in the decision-making process. For this process, we provide sustainability KPIs for calculating network impacts on a strategic level. The same KPIs can then be used later in execution systems such as SAP.

The unfair advantage – Using digital transformation to leap ahead.

7/12 Agility & Resilience Business transformation | Alexander Greb, Vice President Digital Transformation, Westernacher Consulting
The tools and applications of the 20th century are not sufficient anymore to solve the challenges of the 21st century. Digital transformation is the key to open the door to tomorrow’s success. Enterprises have now a one in 10 years chance to shift into the next gear, if they set up their Digital Transformation right.
We will show you the three levels you have to push to transform to an intelligent enterprise, gain the “unfair advantage” and leap ahead of your competition.

Holistic business transformation with Business Process Intelligence.

8/12 Agility & Resilience Business transformation | Johannes Strasser, CoE Lead SAP Signavio, Westernacher Consulting
Lockdowns. Volatile markets. Inflation. Changing consumer behaviors. Shifts in priorities. Emerging technologies and trends. Geopolitical conflicts. Unclear developments. All this forms the conditions to either win or lose market share. An opportunity. For you as a company. To win. To outperform. Business Process Intelligence (BPI) by SAP Signavio brings it all together in a holistic business transformation suite, harmonizing your business processes, data and systems while emphasizing the human aspect of your organization. As SAP Signavio lays the foundation for the intelligent enterprise of tomorrow, its solutions provide both next-gen and end-to-end capabilities for strategic business transformation and the reinvention of customer experiences.

How to build resilient supply chains to prepare for disruptions.

9/12 Agility & Resilience – Fast planning cycles | Lars Sondergaard, Managing Partner, Westernacher Consulting
Disruptions of today’s interconnected, global supply networks reveal risks that many companies didn’t even realize they had. Building flexibility and resilience has become a business-critical priority. Amidst the challenges surfacing in the world, we are seeing what the “new normal’’ will be. And as disruptions will continue to exist, organizations need to start building resilient supply chains. We will take you on a journey on how to plan your demand and supply to be better prepared for disruptions.

Adapt fast to changing transportation conditions.

10/12 Agility & Resilience Transportation networks | Katarina Furakova, Senior Consultant Transportation Management, Westernacher Consulting
The world is facing challenges which have never been faced before. Supply chains are interrupted by crises which lead to heavy port congestions, supplier outfalls and blocked routes while the transportation capacities are limited and their costs are increasing. To achieve a resilient supply chain companies need to be able to react quickly in changing circumstances. SAP TM provides full transparency in the available transportation network, operating carriers and their corresponding costs and capacities. SAP´s Logistics Business Network offers a fast and seamless carrier communication from dispatching and execution tracking until the final transportation invoice.

Supply chain visibility for ocean freight.

11/12 Agility & Resilience Transportation networks | Nitesh Saluja, Solution Architect Transportation Management, Westernacher Consulting
Supply chains are facing challenges from port congestion to blocked routes like never before. Due to the highly complex and fragmented nature of the global supply chains, moving things end to end from ocean is more complicated than ever, and it becomes a major blind spot while planning the goods availability for manufacturing or delivery to the stores. Although supply chains are data rich they have unprecise timestamps. To overcome these challenges, new and innovative ways to provide accurate visibility combined with predictive logistics capability are needed. Find out how you can power your supply chain with high-fidelity data from planning, procurement and booking, to visibility, exception management, and customer transparency.

Sustainability – are you crew or just passengers?

12/12 Closing note – Business transformation | Antonio Veloso, Senior Solution Architect - Digital Transformation & Sustainability, Westernacher Consulting
“There are no passengers on spaceship Earth. We are all crew”, Marshal McLuhan said in 1965. The topic of sustainability is all over the web, media, advertising and on corporate and government agendas. Even art galleries are looking at sustainability. If the topic is being broadcast by everyone, everywhere, including me, are we perceiving all these impacts in real life as we experience them from the media and other sources? Concepts like greenwashing and neuromarketing, focusing on sustainable consumer behavior can help find the answers. And the answers may not be positive ones. It seems that we still have way too many passengers looking at the trends or trying to find their crew. This is why we at Westernacher use technology and knowledge to change from passengers to crew.

The sessions.

1/12 Keynote
Business transformation

Will technology and resilience meet sustainability in the 6th wave of innovation?

Benjamin Dewilde, CEO, Westernacher Group

Digitalization is the enabler of the LEAP which all champions of the sixth wave of innovation will take. Driving growth through new business models, profitability through automation and resilience through visibility and (artificial) intelligence. But where does this leave sustainability? Will sustainability become a business necessity? If so, how can we remove unsustainable practices and live up to our stakeholders’ ethical expectations? How can we explore new business models and markets in a way that safeguards our future? The time for talking is over, the challenges are pressing, let’s take action now and see how digitalization can enable growth, resilience and sustainability. Now!

2/12 Keynote
Business transformation

Harness the power of an intelligent, sustainable enterprise with SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Sven Denecken, Senior Vice President COO S/4HANA and Head of Product Success at SAP

In a time where change is a required constant and innovation a must, SAP S/4HANA Cloud runs the most mission-critical systems around the globe, while enabling our customers with the innovation they need to achieve their top line, bottom line and green line ambitions. Sven Denecken will share what it takes to become an intelligent, sustainable enterprise with SAP S/4HANA Cloud and even more agile, productive, connected.

3/12 Keynote

Vestas’ view on managing global supply chains with a sustainability mindset.

Anders Kloppenborg, Senior Supply Chain Generalist, Vestas Wind Systems

Transportation in the wind industry is one of a kind with two main complexities. The first is delivering in a project-based global supply chain and the second is delivering enormous components that require full attention in their planning and execution. Vestas has been named “the most sustainable company in the world” in 2022. Anders shares Vestas’ view on managing global supply chain complexities and disruptions with a sustainable mindset while addressing Vestas’ mission critical approach for delivering wind turbine components to customers safely, on time and at the lowest cost.

4/12 Sustainability
Carbon footprint

How to reduce your carbon footprint and make smart decisions with sustainability analytics.

Mark Mrosek, Practice Director Business Planning & Analytics, Westernacher Consulting

Faced with the challenges of climate change, many companies are aiming to become carbon neutral. As a consulting company constantly striving for innovation and excellence and with a focus on solving our customers’ challenges, we came up with a solution that not only reduced our CO2 emissions but helped us ourselves to become carbon neutral in record time. We are going even further and show you how you can leverage sustainability analytics and integrate the green line into your decision-making processes to shape the strategy of your company.

5/12 Sustainability
Supply chain act

Manage require­ments of the Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act.

Adam Pietera, Head of SAP Customer Experience Solutions and ARIBA, Westernacher Consulting

To strengthen human rights and to protect the environment through supply chains, the German Federal Government has brought about the German Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act (”Lieferketten­sorgfaltspflichten­gesetz”). The European Union is planning for a similar legislation now. A risk management system shall be used to assess, mitigate and monitor risks regarding human rights and environmental impact in supply chains. The deadline for notifications to the Federal Government is April 2024. We, as a consulting company, show you how to deal with the requirements and how SAP Ariba Supplier Risk solution supports you with all the necessary features.

6/12 Sustainability
Network design

Integrating sustainability into network design.

Jakob Stary, Consultant & CoE Lead Sustainability Network Design, Miebach Consulting

Over the past years, the attitude of consumers towards sustainability has changed and is forcing companies to adapt their behavior today – not only in daily operations but also in strategic decisions. While in the past network design was dominated by efficiency & cost as well as customer service levels & risks, sustainability has now also gained an important role as the third pillar in the decision-making process. For this process, we provide sustainability KPIs for calculating network impacts on a strategic level. The same KPIs can then be used later in execution systems such as SAP.

7/12 Agility & Resilience
Business transformation

The unfair advantage – Using digital transformation to leap ahead.

Alexander Greb, Vice President Digital Transformation, Westernacher Consulting

The tools and applications of the 20th century are no longer sufficient to solve the challenges of the 21st century. Digital Transformation is the key to unlocking the door to tomorrow’s success. Enterprises have a much greater chance of shifting to the next gear, provided they set up their digital transformation correctly. We will show you the three levels that can be implemented to transform to an Intelligent Enterprise, to gain the “unfair advantage” and to leap ahead of the competition.

8/12 Agility & Resilience
Business transformation

Holistic business transformation with Business Process Intelligence.

Johannes Strasser, CoE Lead, SAP Signavio, Westernacher Consulting

Lockdowns. Volatile markets. Inflation. Changing consumer behaviors. Shifts in priorities. Emerging technologies and trends. Geopolitical conflicts. Unclear developments. All this forms the conditions to either win or lose market share. An opportunity. For you as a company. To win. To outperform. Business Process Intelligence (BPI) by SAP Signavio brings it all together in a holistic business transformation suite, harmonizing your business processes, data and systems while emphasizing the human aspect of your organization. As SAP Signavio lays the foundation for the intelligent enterprise of tomorrow, its solutions provide both next-gen and end-to-end capabilities for strategic business transformation and the reinvention of customer experiences.

9/12 Agility & Resilience
Fast planning cycles

How to build resilient supply chains to prepare for disruptions.

Lars Sondergaard, Managing Partner, Westernacher Consulting

Disruption of today’s interconnected, global supply networks reveal risks that many companies didn’t even realize they had. Building flexibility and resilience has become a business-critical priority. Amidst the challenges surfacing in the world, we are seeing what the “new normal’’ will be. And as disruptions will continue to exist, organizations need to start building resilient supply chains. We will take you on a journey on how to plan your demand and supply to be better prepared for disruptions.

10/12 Agility & Resilience
Transportation networks

Adapt fast to changing transportation conditions.

Katarina Furakova, Senior Consultant Transportation Management, Westernacher Consulting

The world is facing challenges which have never been faced before. Supply chains are interrupted by crises which lead to heavy port congestions, supplier outfalls and blocked routes while the transportation capacities are limited and their costs are increasing. To achieve a resilient supply chain companies need to be able to react quickly in changing circumstances. SAP TM provides full transparency in the available transportation network, operating carriers and their corresponding costs and capacities. SAP´s Logistics Business Network offers a fast and seamless carrier communication from dispatching and execution tracking until the final transportation invoice.

11/12 Agility & Resilience
Transportation networks

Supply chain visibility for ocean freight.

Nitesh Saluja, Solution Architect Transportation Management, Westernacher Consulting

Supply chains are facing challenges from port congestion to blocked routes like never before. Due to the highly complex and fragmented nature of the global supply chains, moving goods end to end from ocean is more complicated than before. This can become a major blind spot when planning for goods availability for manufacturing or delivery to the stores. Although supply chains are data rich, they can have unprecise timestamps. To overcome these challenges, new and innovative ways to provide accurate visibility combined with predictive logistics capability are needed. Find out how you can power your supply chain with high-fidelity data from planning, procurement and booking, to visibility, exception management, and customer transparency.

12/12 Closing note
Business transformation

Sustainability – are you crew or just passengers?

Antonio Veloso, Senior Solution Architect – Digital Transformation & Sustainability, Westernacher Consulting

“There are no passengers on spaceship Earth. We are all crew”, Marshal McLuhan said in 1965. The topic of sustainability is all over the web, media, advertising and on corporate and government agendas. Even art galleries are looking at sustainability. If the topic is being broadcast by everyone, everywhere, including me, are we perceiving all these impacts in real life as we experience them from the media and other sources? Concepts like greenwashing and neuromarketing, focusing on sustainable consumer behavior can help find the answers. And the answers may not be positive ones. It seems that we still have way too many passengers looking at the trends or trying to find their crew. This is why we at Westernacher use technology and knowledge to change from passengers to crew.

The experts.


Anna is a Project Manager with 8+ years’ experience in projects and transitions within Procurement, Finance, HR and IT areas, collaborating with customers globally. At Westernacher Consulting Anna is leading the implementation projects of SAP Ariba.

Project Manager & Procurement Practice Lead, Westernacher Consulting


In his role next to the COO function which is implementing business operations to developing the organization and its people, controlling, and communications, Sven is assessing customer and market requirements and supporting SAP´s S/4HANA strategy. Via Co-Innovation projects he discovers key trends and best practices in application of new technologies and assures the evolution of the products via SAP Activate and respective product configuration content.

Senior Vice President, COO S/4HANA and Head of Product Success, SAP


Benjamin Dewilde is CEO of the Westernacher Group and Market Unit lead for Westernacher Nordics. He has more than 25 years of ex­perience in SAP Consulting, including hands on implementation experience in global ERP, Business intelligence and Planning solutions, Management Consulting in Data Governance, IT strategy and Application architecture and Account, Project and Programme management in Supply Chain solutions. He has first-hand insight into the development of digitization and inno­vation leveraging SAP technology in multiple industries in Asia, Europe and the Americas.

CEO, Westernacher Group

Westernacher Consulting Webinar Speaker Katarina Furakova – SAP Business Network for Logistics (BN4L)

Katarina has more than 15 years of business and technical background in logistics in a multinational FMCG / beverage company. She has practical experience with various implementations of innovative solutions, supporting business processes and designing business driven solutions. As LBN and TM Consultant at Westernacher Consulting, her passion and specialization are 3rd party collaboration and transport visibility.

Senior Consultant Transportation Management, Westernacher Consulting


As Customer Advisory Lead and Tech Evangelist at SAP, Alexander has collected vast experience in customer centric strategy implementation, processes, and techno­logy for the past two decades. Having imple­mented digital trans­for­mation programs with strategic customers from the shop floor up to C-Level has helped him to gain in-deep knowledge of Best Practices that help customers gain “the unfair competitive advantage”. At Westernacher he is heading the “Intelligent Enterprise” practice for customers that want to put the horsepower of Digitalization and SAPs next-gen ERP fully to the street to become Digital Champions.

Vice President & Global Lead Intelligent ERP, Value and Innovation, Westernacher Consulting



Anders Kloppenborg is part of the Transport Excellence department in Vestas’ Global Supply Chain & Transport organization. He is acting as a transport business architect and holds a master’s degree in Logistics & Supply Chain Management from Aarhus School of Business. Anders has 14 years of experience in various areas of the Vestas supply chain in the wind industry. His current focus is transport where he manages Vestas’ architectural roadmap and runs strategic initiatives. Over the past 6 years he has headed a massive SAP TM roll-out as the main transport management execution system.

Senior Supply Chain Generalist, Vestas Wind Systems

Mark is Senior Project Manager at Westernacher with more than 10 years of experience in finance and analytics across a wide range of different industries. He is lately focusing on SAP Analytics Cloud and is currently managing first-time customer implementations across three continents.

Practice Director Business Planning & Analytics, Westernacher Consulting

Adam Piętera_BN_no background


For over 25 years, Adam Piętera has been providing business solutions based on SAP products, providing services to Polish and international companies. Adam is an enthusiast of cloud solutions supporting source-to-pay and order-to-cash processes, and a digital transformation evangelist. On a daily basis, he supervises implemen­tation projects and creates the architecture of these solutions. At Westernacher Consulting, he is globally responsible for the customer experience and the sourcing & procurement practices.

Head of SAP Customer Experience Solutions and ARIBA, Westernacher Consulting


Nitesh has 13 years of experience in consulting and implementing end-to-end supply chain execution solutions. As a solution architect and digital transformation leader at Westernacher, he advises customers how SAP digital supply chain solutions can be best leveraged to address their current business challenges.

Solution Architect Transportation Management, Westernacher Consulting


Lars is Managing Partner at Westernacher Consulting. He is highly experienced in Supply Chain Planning and SAP Integrated Business Planning.

Managing Partner, Westernacher Consulting


Jakob is a consultant focusing on supply chain strategy and network design at Miebach Consulting. He leads the workstream Network Design of the CoE Sustainability in which he combines his expertise in sustainable supply chains with his network design and modeling experience.

Consultant & CoE Lead Sustainability Network Design, Miebach Consulting


Johannes is a RISE with SAP and SAP Signavio product enthusiast with 5+ years experience in SAP S/4HANA assignments throughout Europe. At Westernacher, he leads the COE for Business Process Intelligence.

CoE Lead, SAP Signavio, Westernacher Consulting



Antonio has 14 years’ experience in supply chain management and execution. He has performed business and software consulting for multinational companies across five continents, executing a variety of end-to-end programs and projects in the supply chain/logistics fields. Antonio is one of the leaders in the areas of digital transformation and sustainability at Westernacher.

Senior Solution Architect – Digital Transformation & Sustainability, Westernacher Consulting

LEAP 2021.

How to become a digital champion with SAP S/4HANA.

Be inspired by our 2021 LEAP event where participants learned from top experts in ERP, Finance and Digital Supply Chain how to comprehensively transform their business with SAP applications. Companies that have already set out on their transformation journey shared their experiences and the success they have achieved. We invite you to: LEAP – Westernacher’s Intelligent Enterprise Summit together with SAP, Microsoft and many others.

Take part in this year’s LEAP and move your business into a new future.

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The Future Magazine
presented by Westernacher


Soctt Stormetta – Blockchain is more than Crypto.

Blockchain. Redefining value in the digital age.

Jim Rogers – Future of Money.

Witnessing Money being reinvented.

Gerd Leonhard – The future of AI, Global Collaboration, New Economic Logic

How do we build “The Good future”?

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