Connecting Sustainability and Technology:
Unlock the Power of your Supply Chain
Why no tomatoes?
Simply put – the impact of climate change, inflation, supply chain disruption, wage increases and talent shortages all contribute to the disappearance of tomatoes from supermarket shelves. Drought in Spain, rising fuel prices across Europe, truck drivers leaving the industry during the pandemic to work for Amazon for better pay, and supermarkets struggling with increasingly narrow profit margins all combined to create a perfect storm, particularly in Britain where Brexit has exacerbated the problems.
SAP Cloud ERP can address all of these issues directly, including fighting climate change, where SAP is leading in helping agricultural businesses grow more effectively, distribution networks deliver more efficiently, and companies manage the key elements of inflation and supply chain disruption.
Jan Gilg氏 | SAP、代表取締役兼クラウドERP製品最高責任者
Nowadays, one can read and hear about sustainability everywhere. Everyone talks the talk, but how many have already walked the walk? It’s fair to say that with an abundance of information, opinions and offers, one might struggle to understand where to start. At Westernacher, we already started the walk some years back when we implemented solutions for our company’s sustainability goals. Now, together with SAP, we help our customers do the same. We approach sustainability in a holistic fashion, throughout the entire organization, and we provide solutions to capture, measure, improve, manage, and report. Join Antonio Veloso and Mark Mrosek in a very informal conversation where they talk the talk about the challenges that customers are facing in tackling sustainability but also talk the walk on how to start, overcome the challenges and move on from Excel to automated solutions.
Antonio Veloso | Westernacher Consulting、DX&サステナビリティシニアソリューションアーキテクト
Mark Mrosek | Westernacher Consulting、ビジネスプランニング&アナリティクスグローバルリード
Explore strategies and approaches to enhance supply chain performance using SAP Business Network. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, companies need to know how to streamline processes, leverage real-time visibility, enable supply chain collaboration, manage risks, optimize inventory management and drive continuous improvement. Achieve greater efficiency, agility and competitiveness. Gain insights into SAP Business Network and drive innovations in your supply chains.
Anna Bomba | Westernacher Consulting、プロジェクトマネージャ兼CU調達プラクティスリード
Joanna Pachołek | Westernacher Consulting、SAP Aribaシニアコンサルタント
With the increase in transportation costs, companies have the need to estimate future transportation requirements in time to get better deals and contract freight capacities. In this session, we will provide you with an example of how you can integrate IBP and TM to perform your freight capacity forecasting and use this information for the tendering process.
Vittorio Cotroni | Westernacher Consulting、シニアソリューションアーキテクト
Rules and regulations, consumer behavior and new market players are changing companies’ current market position. New business models moving towards sustainability gain importance for global and local operating companies, investors and venture capital firms. Learn and understand the possibilities of how SAP and the latest technology can enable your company and business model to stay competitive and gain market positions.
Mark Mrosek | Westernacher Consulting、ビジネスプランニング&アナリティクスグローバルリード
Furkan Aydeniz | Westernacher Consulting、SAP TMプラクティスディレクター
How to bridge the gap between today’s SAP solution landscape to a digital enabled future. Which tools to leverage the benefits of digitalization, automation and establish a platform of continuous innovation.
Ingmar Kat | Westernacher Consulting、DX&インテリジェントテクノロジーシニアソリューションアーキテクト
Most supply chain networks are based on variations of the classic “Hub-and-Spoke”-model, in which spokes represent transportation routes and hubs serve as transshipment points in between. In 2021 and 2022, the repercussions of disrupted hubs on supply chain networks were evident in numerous examples around the world, with the most notorious being the intermodal connection between the port of Los Angeles and Chicago. This example provides valuable insights into assessing critical and limiting factors in hubs, gaining control over processes and ultimately, holistically improving supply chain performance by focusing on the hubs in the network.
Matthias Platzer | Westernacher Consulting、ヤードロジスティクス欧州プラクティスディレクター
ERP、財務、サプライチェーン向けのSAP主力製品であるSAP S/4HANAを含むクラウドERPの最高責任者。SAP S/4HANAおよびデジタルサプライチェーンポートフォリオの開発、デリバリー、製品管理をグローバルに統括。SAP S/4HANAを活用し、標準化とカスタム化のバランスを見つつ、インテリジェントかつ持続可能なERPシステムによるミッションクリティカルなプロセスを実現。SAPエンジニアリングシニアリーダーシップチームのメンバー。
Westernacher Consulting、DX&サステナビリティシニアソリューションアーキテクト
Westernacher Consulting、プロジェクトマネージャー兼CU調達プラクティスリード
Westernacher Consulting、ビジネスプランニング&アナリティクスグローバルリード
Westernacher Consulting、SAP Aribaシニアコンサルタント
Westernacher Consulting、TMプラクティスディレクター
Westernacher Consulting、シニアソリューションアーキテクト
Westernacher Consulting、ヤードロジスティクス欧州プラクティスディレクター
Westernacher Consulting、インテリジェントERPグローバルリード
Westernacher Consulting、DX&インテリジェントテクノロジーシニアソリューションアーキテクト
LEAP 2021
SAP S/4HANAでデジタルチャンピオンになるには
「LEAP2021」では、ERP、財務、デジタルサプライチェーンのトップエキスパートたちが、SAPアプリケーションを活用してビジネスを包括的に変革する方法を紹介しました。また、すでに変革の道を歩み始めた企業数社が、その経験や成功体験を共有してくれました。 We invite you to: SAP、Miebach Consultingなど、業界トップ企業が参加したWesternacherインテリジェントエンタープライズサミット「LEAP2021」の詳細は、こちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。
LEAP 2022