Workshop with Westernacher and SAP

Empower your Supply Chain Innovation

June 13, 2019 | Helsinki, Finland
Westernacher sign gray white
Leading Business Analysts are of the opinion that performance insights on the value chain are mission critical to setting and reaching transformation objectives. In this workshop, Westernacher and SAP will show you how to invigorate your supply chain processes using elements of process improvements and leveraging the advanced technologies like IoT, in addition to the world-leading SAP Supply Chain Execution platform.

Discover how can drones help with physical inventory in the warehouse? How can Connected Forklift IoT scenarios extend the use of warehouse asset? How can a real-time Control Tower based on SAP warehousing systems bring full visibility in and take the guesswork out?

Westernacher Events - Impressions Helsinki Workshop 01
Westernacher Events - Impressions Helsinki Workshop 02

With SAP Analytics Cloud you can have a real-time Control Tower which can:

  • Identify and manage delivery bottlenecks in your supply chain
  • Plan next steps with the introduction of IoT to drive business improvement
Any questions? We would love to help. Discuss any queries about your supply chain directly with our experts from Westernacher and SAP.

Want to get more information about our Connected Forklift and SCPA (Supply Chain Performance Assurance) solutions? Download the related material now.


What we've talked about.


Supply Chain Execution (SCE).
Full Visibility with SAP SCE applications and Analytics (SAP regional speaker)

Get an overview of current and future developments within the SAP Analytics and SAP Leonardo product portfolio to improve your Supply Chain Execution


Warehouse Insights – optimize performance.
The SAP Qualified KPI Accelerator (Antonio Veloso)
Benefit from the extensive experience of Westernacher experts in Warehouse Management. Topics covered will include: The most important key figures for operational and strategic management of your warehouses.


Coffee break


Westernacher Warehouse Innovations:
Connected Forklift & Connected Worker / PI Drones/ UI5 / Smart Glasses (Neil Wightman, Westernacher)

Experience an SAP Leonardo scenario that enables you to efficiently manage and control your fleet of forklift trucks. With sensors and geofencing, you always know where you are. In this way, you can optimize everyday use and control even heterogeneous vehicle fleets perfectly.


Transportation and Yard Logistics with Westernacher
Manage your complete transportation logistics “by exception”. Optimize all aspects of moving materials and goods from your suppliers through your value chain and to your customers. Leverage state of the art transportation management and Connected Fleet IoT technology. Gain full and real-time visibility into where everything is, what shape it is in and how to transport it in the best and most cost effective way.


Group lunch – Innovations in Supply Chain Execution, Closing
Westernacher and SAP cordially invite you to lunch together. In a relaxed atmosphere, you can talk to our experts and other workshop participants.

Our experts

Global Practice Lead Warehouse Management
Principal Business Processes Consultant

Don’t just innovate – create value.

Take a first step and learn how you can really benefit from transforming your business and supply chain. Download the knowledge papers you need here.
Westernacher white paper: Digitalization of the Supply Chain

Get your files.

Supply chain is the heart of the organization

White paper

Streamline your supply chain with Connected Forklift on SAP.

One pager

Transportation and Logistics Assets


Warehouse Insights – Empower your supply chain innovation.


Warehouse Innovation – Empower your supply chain innovation.


At a glance

June 13, 2019
9am – 1pm

Helsinki, Finland

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The Future Magazine
presented by Westernacher


Soctt Stormetta – Blockchain is more than Crypto.

Blockchain. Redefining value in the digital age.

Jim Rogers – Future of Money.

Witnessing Money being reinvented.

Gerd Leonhard – The future of AI, Global Collaboration, New Economic Logic

How do we build “The Good future”?

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