As a logistics service provider or even a shipper, you aim to keep your transportation costs low while still ensuring reliable transportation services from carriers. On the other hand, you would like to have a seamless integrated functionality in your Transportation Management solution to set up your customer contracts. Therefore, SAP Strategic Freight Management is demonstrated in this webinar, explaining the concept and showing the system functionality.
Episode 1
- Introduction: What is Strategic Freight Management in SAP TM?
- Understand and explain Strategic Freight Management
- How to use analytic tool to support strategic freight management
- From the perspective of a freight buyer: How Strategic Freight Procurement within SAP TM can streamline the freight procurement process
- Configuration excerpt and execution of the strategic freight procurement process
Episode 2
- From the perspective of a Freight Seller. How Strategic Freight Selling within SAP TM can accelerate/support the freight selling process.
- Understand and Explain Strategic Freight Selling Process
- Receiving an RFQ
- Generating Responses
- Negotiating Rounds
- Generating Agreements for Strategic Freight Selling
- Configuration excerpt and execution of strategic freight selling
Key takeaways
- Understand how Strategic Freight Management works in SAP TM
- Understand which main SAP related business documents are involved within this process
- Understand which data set up has to be done and how the UI in SAP TM supports you in this process
Keynote speakers
Senior Consultant SAP Transportation Management
Associate Consultant SAP TM
At a glance
June 12 & 19, 2020
11am (EST), 5pm (CET)
45 minutes
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